a review of Pulp from Melody Maker, 13.04.91
Someone just sent me to this. They found it pretty funny, and I do too. Think this might’ve been before they got popular.
My Legendary Girlfriend (Fire)
BACK to the present, and all the pleasures that can bring. For example, the first 30 seconds of this single which are very, very steamy indeed. The male version of Miranda Sex Garden (see below), no less – the introduction makes me want to crop my hair, start taking one teaspoon less in my coffee and laying out the satin sheets in readiness. And then the damn fool spoils it all by opening his mouth another centimetre or two, and singing. Worse – singing like Bryan Ferry was today’s news, instead of World Of Twist.
Damn. Until then, I really thought we had an online male orgasm scenario going there. Still, not bad at all.
Everett True
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