 Everett True

The Goon Sax, live in Brighton (UK)

The Goon Sax, live in Brighton (UK)

BRIGHTON KOMEDIA: I have never felt very comfortable with my body. This feels like home. It shouldn’t. The venue is dismal; crap sound and a few punters shuffling around. My shoulder hurts, or is the ache in the pit of my elbow? I stand by the front of the stage, to the left – remembering some […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 165. Otoboke Beaver

The return of Everett True | 165. Otoboke Beaver

“How can they sing so fast, dad?” “Oh, this one. [Sigh of recognition.] This is way too fast. [Exclaims happily.] I don’t know how they do the music that fast. [Laughs quietly.] How do they do the music so fast, dad?” “[Slightly exasperated.] Are they singing in gibberish, or just very fast Japanese?” “I really […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 164. Repulsive Woman

The return of Everett True | 164. Repulsive Woman

Ah, Dunedin. You have no real idea what lurks within Dunedin. For example: Repulsive Woman. I have long noted a strong link between a love for the music that lies at the unsettling heart of The Velvet Underground, and the music that unsettles at the heart of One Direction fandom. Many a happy hour have I […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 163. Ed Sheeran

The return of Everett True | 163. Ed Sheeran

Context context context. You should see how wide my daughter’s eyes go when they hear the opening notes to this song. You should see her bounce so happily from one foot to another, stopping a moment to twirl here, stopping a moment to twirl there. You should see the happiness spread all over her body, […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 162. Roger Robinson

The return of Everett True | 162. Roger Robinson

There’s a truism that no one likes being told they’re gonna like (or dislike) something. Holds true for film, for music, for literature. (This is where critics come in; they act as surrogate intimate strangers while simultaneously providing just enough of the necessary distance.) Yeah whatever. It’s a truism because it is a statement that is […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 161. Glitoris

The return of Everett True | 161. Glitoris

The battle is lost. There is no need for me to stick around, railing at the clouds. The battle is lost, I tell you. I am reduced to playing loud ballbusters, KICK ASS ROCK at tepid volume, dead of night. Scared of unsettling the uncaring neighbours. Earlier today, Isaac asked if he could put on […]

 Lee Adcock

Wayward Lee Reports To Base: A Blog, A “Band”, The Foxygen Massacre, A Crippling Crush, And Some Nice Chats (11/16 – 3/17)

Wayward Lee Reports To Base: A Blog, A “Band”, The Foxygen Massacre, A Crippling Crush, And Some Nice Chats (11/16 – 3/17)

Howdy, guys. If you’ve been paying attention to Collapse Board at all, you’ll note that I haven’t been here lately. I wish I could say that I’ve been trotting the globe in the five-month interim, questing for loot and slaying fiends. Alas, no, I’ve only been writing for three other outlets – one of those […]


The 31 Most Read Articles We Published in 2016

The 31 Most Read Articles We Published in 2016

1. RIP Bek Moore Putting together this list of times Bek’s bands were written about, it looks like she has to have been one of the most written about Brisbane musicians in the five and a half years that Collapse Board has been running. (Justin Edwards) 2. Why The Australian Music Press needs to get […]

 Everett True

My albums. And songs. Of 2016.

My albums. And songs. Of 2016.

I sat in a convivial pub the other night as around me convivial sorts chattered and laughed. I could barely hear a word. Every so often, the sound of what appeared to be a band tuning up threatened to break down even that little of my personal space. I do not need, not REQUIRE an […]

 Caspar Jacobs

10 Things I Learned From an Afternoon with Everett True

10 Things I Learned From an Afternoon with Everett True

Meeting Everett True was kind of a big deal for me. One of the reasons I paid for a masterclass with him was to get one of my reviews published in a real book. But really it was all about meeting your heroes. This is definitely a song you should hear before you die I […]

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