DIY music v/criticism | The second (2) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album ——————–

By Everett True
The first (1) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album ——————– it was out of a sense of obligation, not nasty, on my headphones late night at home. I know how much some folk value the way I shake my purple pom-poms and didn’t want to let anyone down. I can’t jump high as a basketball net these days, but man I sure can still split those splits. When I’m on fire there’s no one sexier, trust me. The album touched me, excited me, made me feel less alone, validated me. It was golden, ___________________, ___________________.I wondered how much of this was down to the music. My favourite song is ——————– but only for its inclement paranoia.
The second (2) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album ——————– it was out of a sense of desperation, not negative, seeking reassurance that the last five (5) years haven’t been a total bust. It was on the fucking 381 where power steering meets twisted suburban corners. I know how happy Tunabunny have made me in the past, and am sometimes still surprised at my own self-loathing, the way I shy away from stuff that might please. It made me feel confused, alienated, aware of my failings. But very sweetly, not in a vindictive way at all. It was ___________________, ___________________. My favourite song is now ——————– because it’s jittery.
The third (3) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album ——————– it was out of a sense of growing expectation, not unfounded, the knowledge that anger can be used a positive force. It was virtually, not in any space you’d recognise. It made me feel special, enlightened – the twisting stops and starts and playful vocals and grotesquely distorted, sometimes rudimentary, beats. Yes, it was ___________________. Cinematic, if we’re talking Pan’s Labyrinth. My favourite song is (rather obviously) ——————–.
As they sing, “…………………………………………………..”
The fourth (4) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album I was in Gracelands: swiping and wailing, amazed at the patterns in partially broken brick walls. If I’m being honest here – and why wouldn’t I be honest here, we’re not in Seattle any longer, Lester – then I have to admit the words keep
As they sing, “…………………………………………………..” Or maybe that’s just the folk from Athens GA?
The fifth (5) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album it was out of a sense of idle worship, always somewhere secret. No. Fuck you. You can’t come in. I can begin and end sentences with the phrase ——————–. I cannot, however, walk away from this, no matter how hard I try (which isn’t very hard – see note about Seattle above). My favourite song on the new Tunabunny album is now ——————–, but that just goes to show how traditionalist I have become. I never do what I
‘m supposed to do but in behaving that way I am doing precisely what everyone is expecting of me. THE ONLY PERSON ON THE BUS THAT NO ONE IS SITTING NEXT TO. Here. have a listen. ——————–.
The sixth (6) time I listened to the new Tunabunny album it was out of a sense of f___________________. Why not give it up now? The pack will be along any millennia.
My favourite song on the new Tunabunny album is actually called ——————–. It is ——————– .
Stop. Scratch. Rewind. Can’t stop it. Insert a few buzzwords, some song titles and lyrics and watch this review BLOSSOM INTO LIFE. Serious. Everything is there, it’s just your imagination that is tardy. I will print the best 10 entries RIGHT HERE MOTHERFUCKERS.
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