Song of the day – 239: Hunx And His Punx
Straight up, I’ve always loved what they used to call homocore. Plus, of course, anything that is pure bubblegum pop but isn’t. (Pure.) And I’m finding the first video here disturbingly erotic as well as salacious and catchy. It’s pure John Waters. And Ramones. Pansy Division. And a little bit Glitter Band. Gotta love the lyrics. “You like Morrissey like you do/What the fuck is wrong with you/Are you deaf or just plain dumb/You don’t like Joey, you don’t like fun/You don’t like the Ramones/So you better leave home”. It’s even a little bit Ian Svenonius. Still, what do you expect from someone who used to be in the awesomely retarded Gravy Train!!!… a band I once had a bit of a go at for being “infantile”, but quickly changed my tone after being introduced to their… um… delights in the flesh.
1-800, dial-a-hunk.
“I don’t think he’s gonna miss her/Cos I’m a really good kisser.” Just great, great pop songs.
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