Song of the day – 320: Katie Stelmanis
I’m late-come to this. (Never would have happened if I still hung around with Mia Clarke, I swear.) I hang my head in sorrow, more than shame though. Man, I would’ve drilled this hole into the floor by now! Now home improvements will have to wait a week or two.
I came to it via this magnificent review of Kelly’s. Man, that review is good. Man, I wish I could write like that: sardonic and salacious and snappy and soulful. Sucks, don’t it, when you discover someone so fluent, so natural at a craft you once almost prided yourself at being OK in? Fuck, that was a crap sentence. See what I mean?
God. I’m all toes and toes, hearing this cover version. Makes me want knife sex. Right now.