 Everett True

Everett True and his 40 favourite songs of 2014

Everett True and his 40 favourite songs of 2014

This year stuttered in bits and firsts. Music is the healer. Here are the songs. The Aquadolls – Wander It’s knowing that passion can be full-tilt and consuming. It’s about Shadow Morton and Ellis Greenwich and 2014. It’s a love for the same love for that a ton of other folk show a love for but […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 77. 7evenThirty

The return of Everett True | 77. 7evenThirty

What am I? A recommendation service. Another link in a chain that probably has too many links, or maybe not. A casual observer. A non-participant. (How do folk who don’t participate, commment? That’s been one of the hardest readjustments in my Brisbane situation.) A cipher that frequently stutters upon translation. Faceless value. If you don’t […]