In Photos: Falls Festival @ Byron Bay – Day 1 – 31.12.2018
Photos by Alicia Scott Photos from the first day of Falls Festival in Byron Bay, featuring Kota Banks, Hobo Johnson & The Love Makers, Hockey Dad, Ocean Alley and Cut Copy.
What I did tonight instead of going to see Cut Copy play live
Everett True details what he did tonight instead of watching Australian indie/dance band Cut Copy ply their watered-down version of 80s New Order. I cursed this fucking dry cough again. And again. And again. I laboured through tiredness. I recorded a new video – and wondered what has happened to that recording John Steel Singers made […]
triple j vs the Brisbane Music Scene Part 2
Maybe Brisbane acts are less careerist than their southern counterparts, playing for fun rather than playing the game and trying to move towards world domination.
Parklife 2010 – Visual Anthropology of a Dance Music Festival in 24 Photos
In thinking of a few words to write for this post, and reminiscing back to Saturday, it struck me that despite everything, i.e. a dance music festival and an obscene amount of really obvious drug use, there wasn’t an awful lot of dancing actually going on. With perfect timing, the Guardian’s Indie Doctor addressed the […]
Parklife 2010 – 17 Acts In 18 Photos
Parklife is one of life’s musical guilty pleasures, perhaps the guiltiest. It’s like a one day adventure into another world, somewhere I’d never normally go and I always enjoy it, a lot more than most photographers who complain about it year-on-year, and yet still put their hand up to cover it. There is a secret […]