Has the stereotypical female gender role really disappeared? | Students on Gender

Beyoncé – If I Were A Boy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWpsOqh8q0M The first song I think about when it comes to gender. I know some may say it’s about sexism/feminism/equality, but when I first heard it, it made me feel a little less odd for sometimes wishing that I could be a boy, too, ‘even just for a […]
“Being a sexually empowered woman doesn’t make you a slut or a slag” | Songs related to sexuality

First, define what you mean by Sexuality in relation to popular music. Now proceed… (All choices made by students in KMB003, QUT) Anna Calvi – Suzanne And I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIDj0SVWeBU I’d talk about Anna Calvi for Gender but due to the song topic I’d put it as Sexuality. It’s a very strong, passionate and confident message […]
“You don’t have to be an activist to want to make a change” | Students on authenticity

I should preface this list by stating that authenticity in popular music is mutable (if it exists), that it is utterly dependent upon genre, time and place (if it exists), that it is defined in relation to its ‘inauthentic’ counterpart (if it exists), that it is a construct with dubious links all the way back […]
White girl dancing in front of your bathroom mirror at 1:00am | students’ music for The Groove The Hook The Sound

Led Zeppelin – Fool In The Rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mws9rDmhePI I really hope this falls into the Groove because this song make me want to dance forever even if that does mean I’ll break a foot. D’Angelo – Sugah Daddy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPp6pTrNw44 Groove. Solange – Losing You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy9W_mrY_Vk Groove I think? Maybe even Sound if the 80s style […]
“Comes across as 50 trying to be 20” | Music That We Hate

The following are all nominations for Music We Hate from students in Sex Drugs Rock N’ Roll (QUT course number KMB003). I forbade my students from playing me Redfoo again after the first tutorial. And I have to say that Florida Georgia Line song (and video) is just around the most irritating song and misognynistic […]
“The music consumes me” | students tackle Identity in Music

The way in which subcultures achieve authenticity is through what theorist Pierre Bourdieu calls cultural capital. Every object has economic capital, which is its monetary value, and a utility value defined by its purpose. However, more importantly for identity construction is the social associations made with the object. He writes, “Taste classifies, and it classifies […]
35 scary songs

As chosen in class by KMB003 (Sex Drugs Rock’N’Roll) students in week 3. Vote for your favourites! Eminem – Kim Tool – Sober Enter Shikari – Juggernauts Fast Food Rockers – Fast Food Song Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball (G Major) Ronald McDonald insanity Aphex Twin – Come To Daddy Foo Fighters – Low The […]
Chirpy, chilled, catchy | Music loved by KMB003 students

Always interesting to see what the consensus throws up. These choices were made in groups of two, three and four – and so needed to be treated as such. A couple of groups of students agreed that they couldn’t agree. THURSDAY 3PM 1. Led Zeppelin – Heartbreaker Hard rocking guitar, you can sense the frustration […]
Don’t create/Don’t rebel | Music played in week 2 of KMB003

Music played in week 2 of KMB003 (Sex Drugs Rock’N’Roll) – key concept IDENTITY Click on the song titles for the links. INTRODUCTION MUSIC Monks – Monk Chant / Cuckoo The Monks, proto-krautrock garage punkers formed by a gang of American GIs stationed in Germany who legendarily sported tonsures and nooses on stage. (The return […]
There is no such thing as good and bad music | Music played in week 1 of KMB003

Music played in week 1 of KMB003. This was for the general introductory lecture + tutorial. Most of the quotes below are mine. Click on the song title for the link. 1. Destiny’s Child – Survivor (ft. Da Brat) Never even knew this song till I saw Beyoncé perform it last year, surrounded by clouds […]