Added on August 22, 2016
Caspar Jacobs
2016 , album review , architecture , Caspar Jacobs , Laura Snapes , Lee Adcock , Pitchfork , Rattle , Ringo Starr , Robert Christgau

There’s the old saying that ‘writing about music is like dancing about architecture’, i.e. pointless. But as Robert Christgau rightly retorts: “One of the many foolish things about the fools who compare writing about music to dancing about architecture is that dancing usually is about architecture. When bodies move in relation to a designed space, be it […]
Added on December 29, 2015
Lee Adcock
2015 , Alexis Petridis , Beach House , Courtney Barnett , Hannah Golightly , John Grant , Justin Edwards , Kurt Cobain , Laura Snapes , Lee Adcock , Mark Kozelek , Nirvana , Slaves , sufjan stevens , Sun Kil Moon , Viet Cong , worst of

The name “Viet Cong” So this year, we watched as a band named after an off-hand racist comment rose on the charts. They’ll no doubt crop up on bunches of more positive lists this month, even after colleges like Oberlin barred them from playing. Sang Nguyen, a writer at Impose and also a second-generation Vietnamese-American, […]