Song of the day – 168: The Monster Women
There’s this big beautiful chunk of 12-inch vinyl sitting on my desk. There’s a picture of a mermaid on the front, with stars over her nipples, and a small rocket-ship in the background. The album is called Murmaids From Mars, and I guess the red planet underneath the mermaid’s tail is indeed Mars. Anyway, the sleeve is beautiful and trashy – in LIVING STEREO – and looks like it should have been released round about 50 years ago.
And the music! It’s all reverb-laden, with those glorious harmonies that come about from singing real close together and turning the echo chamber up a little: fuzzed guitars of course, and a real Sixties/2010 feel, blink slightly and you might be forgiven for thinking this is yet another project the fine Frankie Rose is involved in, but no, the references and imagery are all post-Cramps and a little bit retro-future space age (‘Spacegirl Espionage’, ‘Rollercoaster Girl’, ‘Running Man’) and there’s an excellent tinny Farfisa organ to add some texture, and a little bit of the surf swagger of Dick Dale or perhaps my Eighties sweethearts, The Fizzbombs with their fondness for holding beach parties in the grey of Edinburgh winter.
It is, of course, the new album from California’s The Monster Women, and I’m very pleased to own it.
There are so many ace songs – the poignant pleading of ‘Bang Bang’, the ricocheting reverb of opener ‘Colors’ – it’s very difficult to know what to present you with. Actually, not so difficult, as this was the only one I could find on YouTube.
Their MySpace is here. Go forthwith and purchase! Go forth and chat with the ladies (and gent)! You will not regret it, and you might even be all the happier for it.
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