Song of the day – the Top 40
fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices
Everett True’s summer femme-pop mix: the videos
I’ve been meaning to link to this for a while.
Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock
I still write for a few other places. One of these is the excellent NYC femme-focused magazine, Bust, for which I write a regular column, Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock, a short consumer guide look at some of the fine, unheralded, female-led bands around. I’ve been on at my contact at Bust […]
Song of the day – 168: The Monster Women
There’s this big beautiful chunk of 12-inch vinyl sitting on my desk. There’s a picture of a mermaid on the front, with stars over her nipples, and a small rocket-ship in the background. The album is called Murmaids From Mars, and I guess the red planet underneath the mermaid’s tail is indeed Mars. Anyway, the […]
Song of the day – 160: Frankie Rose And The Outs
The exact point where Dum Dum Girls meet Vivian Girls… which is barely surprising as Frankie Rose has drummed with both, and for Crystal Stilts as well. If this makes it sound like I’m only begrudgingly recommending this group to you because I think I ought to, think again Methuselah, think again. Those reverb-saturated harmonies! Bangs […]