Song of the day – 67: The Stress Of Leisure
Can’t quite put my finger on it.
It’s The Apartments, or someone. Sneaky Feelings. Something about the waver in the voice, and the soft burr of guitar. Well I mean, duh The Go-Betweens circa ‘Cattle And Cane’. Sorry to go all comparative on your ass. I really don’t like the video I’m linking to you – and I’ve been informed that this Brisbane band take as their cue various hipster US underground bands from the early 90s who I may or may not have been the first to write about (Pavement, GbV et al), which puts me off triple, believe it – but the song is simply fine. Fine, as in “I’d like to hear it again and soon” fine. Fine, as in “forget your preconceptions and enjoy this fucking weather while you can” fine. Fine, as in “the singer understands, and the band understand, and I understand” fine. The other songs check out fine too.
Here’s ‘House And Garden’ for you.
Ah fuck, I’ve just realised! It’s early Cannanes. Well, there’s a high compliment. I started a label once just to release their debut EP, you know?
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