Added on February 17, 2016
2016 , Angie , Brisbane , In Photos , Kitchen\'s Floor , The Foundry , Yowie

Angie and Kitchen’s Floor play YOWIE #13 at The Foundry.
Added on September 15, 2015
2015 , Angie , Anne Vriend , Ayala , BIGSOUND , Black Bear Lodge , Brisbane , Darts , Good Boy , I Know Leopard , Immigrant Union , In Photos , Oh Hello! , QMusic , showcase , Sui Zhen , The Zoo , Winn Lane , Woolly Mammoth

Photos from the second night of BIGSOUND 2015, featuring Angie, Anne Vriend, Ayala, Darts, Good Boy, I Know Leopard, Immigrant Union and Sui Zhen.
Added on July 2, 2014
2014 , Andrew Tuttle , Angie , Barge WAAOI , Bossfight , Brainbeau , Cobwebbs , El Motel , Festival , Gazar Strips , Ghost Notes , Greenslopes Bowls Club , I A Man , In Photos , Keep On Dancin's , Nana Vigilante , Pale Earth , Scul Hazzards , Seaplane , Sonic Masala Fest , Spartak. Narrow Lands , Tape/Off , The Steady As She Goes , The Stress Of Leisure , Tiny Migrants , Turnpike

Sonic Masala Festival featured 22 bands at the Greenslopes Bowls Club, with Scul Hazzards making a long overdue return to Brisbane as the final act of the night.