Added on April 24, 2020
Riley Fitzgerald
2020 , Brainbeau , Brisbane , Infinite Ways

Listen to the introduction of Marvin Gaye’s 1977 single ‘Got To Give It Up’. The loose chatter, the casual clinking glasses. It feels like a party. The sound effects continue throughout the song, acting like any other instrument to put across a feeling of happiness and joy, of something bright and something fun. The Beach […]
Added on March 31, 2015
Everett True
Brainbeau , Brisbane , Everett True , Kat Martian , Song of the day , Stag , The Gerald Keaneys , X In O

A message from Kat Martian, who I don’t really know but wish I did. Nice to see you again the other day(1). Lauren being on set was a nice touch(2). More female content(3)! I realised later you very possibly didn’t recall me from other occasions we’ve met(4)? I was in the g20 complaints choir last […]
Added on July 2, 2014
2014 , Andrew Tuttle , Angie , Barge WAAOI , Bossfight , Brainbeau , Cobwebbs , El Motel , Festival , Gazar Strips , Ghost Notes , Greenslopes Bowls Club , I A Man , In Photos , Keep On Dancin's , Nana Vigilante , Pale Earth , Scul Hazzards , Seaplane , Sonic Masala Fest , Spartak. Narrow Lands , Tape/Off , The Steady As She Goes , The Stress Of Leisure , Tiny Migrants , Turnpike

Sonic Masala Festival featured 22 bands at the Greenslopes Bowls Club, with Scul Hazzards making a long overdue return to Brisbane as the final act of the night.
Added on March 18, 2013
Carmen Juarez
Brainbeau , Brisbane , Carmen Juarez , Fire Engines , Greg Boring , Harmony , Keep On Dancin's , Kleenex , Screaming Match , Stag , The Rainocats
Basically, Sarah’s dick has a lot of room for sucking.