Added on November 22, 2012
Everett True
Barry Manilow , Everett True , Lana Del Rey , Sylvia Plath , Talking Heads
Song of the day – 521: Lana Del Rey
Of course she’s a teen girl dream. She’s this generation’s Sylvia Plath. Every picture of her is exactly the same.
Added on November 20, 2012
Scott Creney
Barry Gibb , Barry Manilow , Barry McGuire , Barry White , mumford and sons , Ringo Starr , Scott Creney , The Beach Boys , The Beatles
The Audacity of Barry Manilow
The first line alone contains two historically volcanic eruptions of bragging. Not even Kanye has the ego to say he’s been alive forever, let alone that he wrote the very first goddamn song