 Everett True

Brisbane, in a song

Brisbane, in a song

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was

 Everett True

Song of the day – 521: Lana Del Rey

Of course she’s a teen girl dream. She’s this generation’s Sylvia Plath. Every picture of her is exactly the same.

 Princess Stomper

This is obviously some kind of sick joke (The Swaras | Gumtree ad)

A small bust and an average to skinny figure (Has a look that could fit into the band drawing image)

 Everett True

so fucking bad

So fucking bad

 Scott Creney

Moments In Song #3 – The Bastards Of Fate ‘Sweet’

Just don’t ever — ever — think you’ve heard it all. None of us have.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 363: Supercluster (a love song to Athens GA, part one)

This sound is so glorious! It’s like if (early) B-52s and Pylon remained the best-known bands from Athens instead of … goddammit, what was that band’s name again? Coldplay?