Added on November 6, 2013
Everett True
Bad Dancer , beastie boys , Body/Head , Can , Everett True , Inflatable Boy Clams , Jenny Hval , Katy Perry , La Mômo , Lady Gaga , New York City , Song of the day , Talk Normal , The Flaming Lips , Tunabunny , tUnE-yArDs , videoing , Woolf , Yoko Ono
Sometimes, the concept is enough in itself. My head is still reeling from being around the psychedelic fountain.
Added on May 17, 2011
beastie boys , Cheri Amour , Elijah Wood , hip-hop , Hot Sauce Committee Part Two , Hot Sauce Committee Part Two review , hot sauce committee pt 2 , Hot Sauce Committee Pt 2 review , licensed to ill , Nas , Santigold
“I take sucker rappers, I put ’em through a strainer like macaroni ’cause the shit sound cheesy”
Added on May 10, 2011
Jodi Biddle
beastie boys , hip-hop , Hot Sauce Committee Part Two , Hot Sauce Committee Part Two review , hot sauce committee pt 1 , hot sauce committee pt 2 , Hot Sauce Committee Pt 2 review , Jodi Biddle , licensed to ill , Nas , santogold
I guess the debate here is whether or not a band is required to continue attempting to evolve past a certain point. Beastie Boys have a solid formula with beats + one-liners = fun, so why should they change?