The return of Everett True | 74. Crayola Lectern
I am way, way late here. (Note to self: mention where they can hear and/or buy album. Mention how fine the album is.) Somehow I manage to avoid writing about Chris every time the opportunity arises (perhaps out of a misguided inner sense of ethics – he is one of my closest friends and musical […]
The return of Everett True | 35. Ye Nuns
I dunno. Sometimes man, I feel obsolete. This is from the press release. On paper, Ye Nuns are a tribute band. An all-girl celebration of The Monks, proto-krautrock garage punkers formed by a gang of American GIs stationed in Germany who legendarily sported tonsures and nooses on stage. But Ye Nuns are more than a […]
An evening with The Legend!
You missed out. Sorry, but that’s the bare truth of the matter. Here, have some reports. (Part one: the realisation.) “MOTHER! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO DANIEL JOHNSTON! DON’T YOU KNOW THE KIDS CARE WHAT YOU WEAR?” (Neil Noon) Here, have some music. I heard this from the street before walking into Horse & Groom. […]
The return of Everett True | 21. The Ethical Debating Society
Well why not, I thought to myself. Why, well not express appreciation for anger and determination and fire and verve well expressed. Well, why not express appreciation for a voice that – man it could knock those seagulls down from those gutters where they spend their time plotting against those without helmets, such is its […]
Song of the day – 655: Yoko Ono
Sometimes, the concept is enough in itself. My head is still reeling from being around the psychedelic fountain.
Beck – Song Reader (Faber/McSweeney’s)
I want to hear Beck songs played by elephants and by wind sculptures and London taxi cabs. Make it so!
Song of the day – 308: KASMs
You could watch KASMs with the sound off, and they’d still sound better than 98 per cent of their peers.
Song of the day – 213: La Mômo
Worthing’s answer to the delicate, frayed English pop of Robert Wyatt – only shaken up and down, given a good stomping and bashed about gleefully