Tricky – Adrian Thaws (False Idols)
Hey. Guess how many guest vocalists Tricky enlisted for this album. Go on, guess. And no peeking. Because, let’s face it, folks: this Adrian Thaws is essentially this generation’s Nearly God, as the dark lord of trip hop once again hides behind the curtain and twiddles knobs for the modern-day divas who fell into his […]
Liars – Mess (Warp)
TAKE MY PANTS OFF SMELL MY SOCKS USE MY SOCKS EAT MY FACE OFF Okie doke, boys. Picture the scene – it’s one of those dance clubs that you’d find when you look up “nightlife” in the dictionary. The ones in the movies that epitomize the corrupt and sleazy urbanites, with flashing neon crowded dance […]
Song of the day – 603: Les Morts Vont Bien
The most glorious locked Teutonic groove since the first album from Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. Blam!
Song of the day – 602: Janelle Monáe
Janelle Monáe is clearly Song of the Day of whichever day you want her to be Song of the Day of.