 Everett True

Well done knob gobbler | The homophobic wit and wisdom of Foo Fighters fans

Well done knob gobbler | The homophobic wit and wisdom of Foo Fighters fans

All the following are genuine comments left on a recent Foo Fighters live review. Doubtless there are more to come. I will add them when I see fit. Were you at the same gig with the other 40,000 people? From the looks of your picture you had a pretty crappy seat, I’d be angry about that […]


The Creator and the Critic

How to Distract Yourself from Making Art, or “Did You Read That Article?”

 Everett True

does the Internet encourage free speech or discourage it?

The audience have masks up, they can say whatever they like.

 Scott Creney

Turntable.fm – A New Way to Experience Music

The internet is an amazing place. Turntable.fm just made it even better.