Added on December 24, 2013
Erika Elizabeth
best of 2013 , Bunny's A Swine , Cold Beat , Erika Elizabeth , Ethical Debating Society , Good Throb , Household , joanna gruesome , Kicking Giant , La Luz , Ruby Pins , Skinny Girl Diet , The Courtneys , Woolen Men , Zebra Hunt

I’m really glad that I took my goddamn time putting together this list, because the mad dash to the finish line that has so many music journalism/criticism outlets cranking out their year-end roundups earlier & earlier in a vain attempt to one-up their peers would more than likely leave this one in the dust.
Added on October 21, 2013
Everett True
Babes In Toyland , Chas & Dave , Coloured Balls , Everett True , John Coltrane , Johnny Hartman & John Coltrane , Kicking Giant , Patty Smyth , pop music , sex , The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time , The Dukes Of Stratosphear , The Motels , The Viscounts , user-generated content

Ready? Got that box of tissues ready, in case emotion or disappointment overwhelms you? Your packet of sedatives, and blunted razors?
Added on November 1, 2011
Everett True
Al Larsen , Beat Happening , Beth Ditto , Bikini KIll , Calvin Johnson , Careless Talk Costs Live , Chainsaw , Courtney Love , Donna Dresch , Everett True , Girl Germs , Huggy Bear , Julia Downes , Kicking Giant , Kurt Cobain , Lois Maffeo , Melody Maker , Nation Of Ulysses , Nikki McLure , NME , Olympia , Plan B Magazine , Riot Grrrl , Rough Trade , Sally Margaret Joy , Seattle , Sonic Youth , Stella Marrs , Sub Pop , The Word , Tobi Vail
Riot Grrrl is a myriad of contradictions. And that’s to the good.