‘Not afraid to be vulnerable, and all the stronger for it’ | a review of the new Courtney Love single

Every now and then, Collapse Board knocks one out of the park. Last night I responded to a friend request on Facebook and received a sweet thank-you note. So having already checked out my respondent’s Facebook feed and noting she is interested in the new Courtney Love song, I ask her if she would care to […]
Live Through This came out 21 years ago – so here are 21 great Courtney Love songs released post-Celebrity Skin*

The return of Everett True | 58. Marianne Faithfull

I’m going to preface this entry with a comment someone left on something I wrote about The Drones a while back. Yeah, I like the Drones but their songs depict the world as a cold, uncaring, violent place and people associate that with authenticity. One review says Gareth Liddiard, “tells it like it is.” But […]
Courtney Love, live in Brisbane, 2014

Words: Virginia Henslizley Photography: Everett True The mere thought of seeing Courtney Love live has me reverting. Reverting to the days of desertion at my familial home on the Sunshine Coast in which I’d spend afternoons post-school visiting forums defending Courtney Love from the erroneous lashings of Cobain worshippers. Statistically, those protective of Love were […]
What I did tonight instead of going to see Arctic Monkeys play live

Everett True details what he did tonight instead of watching dad rock revival band Arctic Monkeys. I thought how much I hate the concept of indie bands playing arenas, and wondered whether I’d ever seen a decent one. (Answer: yes. Several times.) I performed on stage in a lecture theatre, spinning a web of myth […]
Song of the day – 668: Sky Ferreira

Would I take drugs with Sky Ferreira? Of course I fucking would.
Sky Ferreira – Night Time, My Time (Capitol)

Night Time, My Time is fantastic. A lifetime of bad ideas that turns into good ideas in the context of music. I like the new M.I.A. album. I respect the new Laurel Halo album. I’m falling in love with the new Sky Ferreira album.
Live Through This | the press clippings

Everett True is famous for two things. He’s the last of the big personality journalists…
Another ancient interview with Yeah Yeah Yeahs. This one was their first ever cover story. Thought you might enjoy reading this as well.
You’re like the violent interviewer. The Hannibal Lector of interviews. Did you see that scuffle?