In Words: Meredith Festival 2014, Day 1, 12.12.14

It’s immediately apparent that it’s true: Meredith is NICE. Even the put-upon town of Meredith, ten minutes from the festival grounds, is welcoming, the lovely pub dishing up “festival lunches” and handles of beer opposite the corner store selling bags of ice and ammunition. The staff/volunteers at the festival gate manage to make a vehicle check for glass, the only real […]
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds @ Brisbane Riverstage 08.03.13
Bugger objectivity. Bugger the motherfuckers who preach that sin. Four shots to the head, and immaculate timing.
Mark Lanegan live @ The Zoo, 06.07.10
As much as I really like Mark Lanegan, and all the music he’s been involved with, he’s not an easy subject to photograph, preferring to perform in extreme darkness with his eyes tightly shut. The cause isn’t helped tonight by being at The Zoo, which doesn’t have a photo pit and choosing the wrong side […]
Song of the day – 61: Jonneine Zapata
This is the best damn impersonation of PJ Harvey I’ve heard in many a long year (and, trust me, I’ve heard quite a few) – so good, in fact, that I’m not sure it’s even fair to mention the lady. Whatever. I’m throwing this song your way mainly because I want this blog to be […]