Back when Brisbane still had a culture of protest | Prehistoric

By Tiarney Miekus Thirteen hot nights in a row The cops drive past and they move slow A million people staying low With mangoes ripe, who needs to grow? I don’t want it let down My own hopes for this town It’s so hard to get around Lots of cars but not much sound In town […]
Songs about Brisbane – 7: John Kennedy’s ’68 Comeback Special
If there’s one thing I find genuinely irritating about Brisbane’s music scene (and that list is a lot shorter than most people would think), it’s that everyone is always trying to give it an angle. We are The Next Big Thing, The Cultural Backwater, The Experimental Sound Capital. We’re on the cusp of greatness, forcing […]
Songs about Brisbane – 2: The Parameters
[Day 2 in our ‘Songs about Brisbane’ series comes from renowned local author Andrew Stafford, whose book of a few years back, ‘Pig City’, helped re-galvanise interest in the city’s alternative music scene, albeit retrospectively. Appropriately enough, he has chosen to write about the classic Brisbane protest song ‘Pig City’ – Ed.] ‘Pig City’ isn’t […]