Added on October 23, 2014
Lee Adcock
Actual Crimes , Arctic Flowers , Bitpart , Dead Tired , Delta 5 , Grubs , Hole , Husker Du , Kenny Kenny Oh Oh , Lee Adcock , Levtations , Manic Pixie Dream Girls , Martha , misfits , mixtape , Nervosas , No Love , Siouxsie Sioux , Slum Of Legs , Static Me , Street Eaters , Velvet Underground , Wild Assumptions , Wipers

Photo by Ryan Richardson. The girls-in-rock thing is still an issue. Don’t forget that. Sean Adams at Drowned in Sound reminded everyone a few weeks back that rock festivals across the UK still book mostly dudes. (And I can’t find the article for the life of me. There goes my illuminating example.) Over here, musicians […]
Added on May 21, 2012
Everett True
AK77 , Archers Of Loaf , Descendents , Everett True , Fuck Society Volume 1 , INXS , Liz Phair , Sebadoh , Shellshag , Shotwell , The Breeders , The Detroit Cobras , The Fleshies , The Jam , The Undertones , Underground Railroad To Candyland , When In Rome , Wipers
I want to fuck the world and make love to its remains. Always.