 Wallace Wylie

R.I.P. Laura Kennedy

She radiated strength and an aura of not giving a damn

 Scott Creney

THE ALTERNATE REVIEW: The Beach Boys – The Smile Sessions (Capitol)

The Smile Sessions is a candle made out of wax collected from the melted wings of Icarus


The Big Beat In The Heart Of The Vinyl Jungle

Jules Normington is a legend on the Australian Punk Rock Underground

 Everett True

In defence of Cold Chisel – an incomplete aural + visual history of GOOD Australian soft rock

Cold Chisel. Please explain.

 Everett True

Spotlight – 12: The Lost Girls

To be honest, they had me sold the instant I saw the blurb. All girl old school lo-fi punk band. Telling tales of crushes, stalkers, dead models and police sirens And fuck me, if that isn’t exactly what they sound like too! A bit of X, a bit of The Avengers, a bit of The Leopards, […]