You should know this about me. I like Robert Forster. I really don’t like Phil Collins.
So imagine my outrage on Saturday night.
There were only a couple of minutes to go before Robert’s ’15 Songs About Brisbane’ set at the Powerhouse’s outdoor amphitheatre. We were sat in place, excited – a little chilled, but mostly excited as it’s rare indeed we get to spend an evening out together, let alone one with such a charming racounteur in such intimate surroundings. Bit of drizzle, nothing to be concerned about.
All of a sudden, I’m hit by excruciating stomach cramps or pains or something.
I spend the next 30 minutes on my hands and knees in the disabled toilets at the Powerhouse, in agony. I think it can’t get any worse. I’m wrong.
Ten minutes in, the Powerhouse starts piping in Phil Collins’ ‘In The Air Tonight’…
3 Responses to You should know this about me. I like Robert Forster. I really don’t like Phil Collins.