Song of the day – 448: Summer Twins
Summer time dream-pop. Like listening to The Like and Best Coast and – oh, c’mon – Dum Dum Girls all at once, except that Summer Twins wear roller-skates (see above). Although now I think on it, I believe some of those other bands enjoy roller-skating too. The music, I like – but you have to appreciate that these people are not my people. It doesn’t really matter because the music, I like – but these people aren’t losers. They radiate a sense of being comfortably off. There’s no edge because there’s no need for an edge because to add an edge would imply struggle and to imply struggle would be plain wrong. Hey, listen! I used to love The Plimsouls and The Rain Parade just fine. And I’m digging this Summer Twins album just fine. It’s just that it’s aimed at folk who AREN’T 50, DON’T have a life centered around playgrounds and shopping centres (at least, not those kind of shopping centres), STILL think life is wonderful, AREN’T failures and …
There’s nothing wrong with aspiration, but The Vivian Girls … y’know? They are punk girls, losers. My-my kind of a girl.
This is She And Him good. Really smooth. I reckon Oasis would’ve been into this.
Hi there!
We’re sisters Justine and Chelsea and we’re from Riverside, CA. Justine plays drums and sings, Chelsea plays guitar and sings, and we’ve got two additional members on guitar and bass.
We play dreampop/rock ‘n roll inspired by the ’50s/60s. Our debut album was just released in January of this year on Burger Records.
Please take a minute to listen; we think you’ll be into this! Just go to
It seems like this song’s got a lot of dancing going on.
And it seems like this song’s got a lot that’s interesting going on.
I find it weird the way most the shots of these sisters playing live cut out the two guys in the band.