Song of the day – 491: Slug Guts
This song by Brisbane band Slug Guts is the new Song of the Day on Collapse Board. Just sayin’.
I love the 80s as interpreted by the Australian underground, too.
I have no idea what the rest of Slug Guts’ repertoire sounds like: maybe like an Aussie fronting an imaginary version of Bauhaus or Inca Babies in the 10s (which, if this song if anything to go by, is wa-a-a-a-y better than the description sounds typed onto a cold frigid-white computer screen). Their PR clearly doesn’t send out promos to websites as obscure as Collapse Board (which would be one way of finding out), and as I don’t communicate the fuck with the rest of Brisbane any more as I never go the fuck out in Brisbane any more because I’m too fuckin’ tired and pissed-off at The Deadnotes splitting (still!) and still no one wants the fuck to form a band with me, and I fuckin’ hate being a spare peg and I certainly can’t hack the speed of being a DJ any more, I have no other real way of findin’ out about Slug Guts except on Facebook but see the preceding sentence and triplicate. Whatever. The 80s, as interpreted by certain sections of the Australian underground were a bunch of fun, as I’m sure a whole tether of Brisbane sorts are finding out right now.
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