Some Songs from Last Year: Slow Reader gets There in The End – Part 1
I seem to have been tongue-tied for the last half of last year; I couldn’t find the words. So I’ve only just got round to writing about these beauties from 2013, some of the fifty or so tracks I’d collected and had intended to prune into a Best Of… I’m not going to write about […]
Still Fuck Albums: Tamsin’s Musical 2012
As everybody at Collapse Board should know by now, “girls’ music” is always the best kind and everything else is B.O.R.I.N.G. So bring it the fuck on.
22 of Tamsin Chapman’s favourite songs of 2012 so far
You hear people say, “music isn’t as good as it used to be”, but you don’t ever hear them say “books aren’t as good as they used to be”. That’s because to say such a thing would reveal that person as a massive tool.