Australia’s ‘harshest’ music critic? For fuck’s sake, learn how to do your research, Buzzfeed
Guess folk have to have some form of shit to write about, otherwise folk would be out of a job. Case in point. “Is this Australia’s harshest critic?” This was the semi-rhetorical question Buzzfeed Australia posed about Melbourne music writer and editor Tyson Wray yesterday. Tyson works full-time as an editor at Melbourne’sBeat Magazine, but has gained loads of […]
Song of the day – 622: Chastity Belt
Perhaps the editors at BuzzFeed really do believe that Chastity Belt thought their photograph was in some way alluring, you know… sexy?
Working at Collapse Board isn’t all writing about bands no one’s heard of, not getting sent albums and being refused places on guest lists. Sometimes we get abused as “boring, self satisfied hipster cunts” too
The art of creating popular music criticism in 2012 | 50 REALLY HOT PHOTOS OF KATY PERRY TOPLESS*
So. I guess my question for today is: Is it all worth it? Is this what we really have to do to compete in the modern world?