 Everett True

Song of the day – 622: Chastity Belt

Song of the day – 622: Chastity Belt

Perhaps the editors at BuzzFeed really do believe that Chastity Belt thought their photograph was in some way alluring, you know… sexy?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 589: Go Violets

Song of the day – 589: Go Violets

It’s a most welcome cliché, this sound. An always welcome cliché round these parts.

 Everett True

10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 1: in real time

Wouldn’t it be so great if something so obviously corporate-backed and hipster-fed turned out to be amazing after all?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 348: Keep On Dancin’s (free download)

Anything that makes me swoon for the days when I would listen to the Shangri-La’s ’65 album for hours on end.

 Everett True

Everett True’s summer femme-pop mix: the videos

I’ve been meaning to link to this for a while.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 279: Shannon And The Clams (free download)

Sure it’s a little aggressive. So is life. So what the fuck are you waiting for?

 Everett True

Everett True’s List of 10 Things from 2010

The problem with Brisbane appears to be an overload of the creative process: there are too many folk being creative and not enough people satisfied with being consumers

 Everett True

my iTunes Top 20, week ending 17.09.10

I’m only including one track per album (aside from the omnipresent Bluebeat 45s, from which I’ve drawn three) as to do otherwise would unbalance the entire chart. This isn’t accurate by any means, and complete omits any listening that takes place (for example) at the office, on the bus, in the car, on vinyl, in […]

 Everett True

Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock

I still write for a few other places. One of these is the excellent NYC femme-focused magazine, Bust, for which I write a regular column, Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock, a short consumer guide look at some of the fine, unheralded, female-led bands around. I’ve been on at my contact at Bust […]

 Everett True

my newest pop crush

I want to be upfront about this. I can’t get this song out my head, and I don’t want to either. It’s absolutely competing with ‘Crazy In Love’ and ‘Dumplins’ for my Song of the Year right now. Oh, and I guess with the albums by Woom and Neverever and Best Coast and…