 Everett True

Some conversations held in public around the new Lily Allen video

Some conversations held in public around the new Lily Allen video

Like, is there really no other way of challenging sexism and racism in music videos accept by doing the EXACT SAME THING but with a knowing wink? Really?

 Scott Creney

It’s Your Funeral, Motherfuckers

It’s Your Funeral, Motherfuckers

There’s a point to be proven, you understand. Nothing personal, it’s just business.

 Everett True

The art of creating popular music criticism in 2012 | 50 REALLY HOT PHOTOS OF KATY PERRY TOPLESS*

The art of creating popular music criticism in 2012 | 50 REALLY HOT PHOTOS OF KATY PERRY TOPLESS*

So. I guess my question for today is: Is it all worth it? Is this what we really have to do to compete in the modern world?

 Scott Creney

Clams Casino – Instrumentals 2 (self-released mixtape)

Why the hell should I sit here for an hour or two racking my brain as I struggle to evoke the beauty, the tragedy and loss of Clams Casino’s music, its programmed swoons and electronic sighs, its music of weeping computers and children trapped in ice, when someone else has already done it?

 Princess Stomper

This is obviously some kind of sick joke (The Swaras | Gumtree ad)

A small bust and an average to skinny figure (Has a look that could fit into the band drawing image)


An almost completely random collection of things I’ve loved so far in 2011

Yup, my heart is yours, you Scots, ‘unfaithful servants of filthy, fucking language’, as Mr Withered Hand says.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 271: Ruth

Love the stilted male vocal and the warm sweeps of synthetic, synthesized melody and looped beats.