Wayward Lee Reports To Base: A Blog, A “Band”, The Foxygen Massacre, A Crippling Crush, And Some Nice Chats (11/16 – 3/17)
Howdy, guys. If you’ve been paying attention to Collapse Board at all, you’ll note that I haven’t been here lately. I wish I could say that I’ve been trotting the globe in the five-month interim, questing for loot and slaying fiends. Alas, no, I’ve only been writing for three other outlets – one of those […]
Three Live Reviews, In Capsule Form
Photo by Amanda Hatfield. I’ve been meaning to write a live review for a while, but the whole process always intimidates me. For one, I’m not a photographer. And two, I’m never sure if anyone cares for my account of a gig. But last night, flushed and pseudo-drunk (I’d only had ginger beer, but I […]
Driven to Tiers: Lee Adcock’s Best-Of-So-Far List for 2016
Above: The righteous and super-smart TEEN. Photo by Hannah Whitaker. I had a very dreary introduction here when I started writing this article. It involved despair about the US, physical and mental fatigue from my job, more despair for the UK, and similar nagging thoughts. I tried to deny the purging effect that music can […]