My albums. And songs. Of 2016.

I sat in a convivial pub the other night as around me convivial sorts chattered and laughed. I could barely hear a word. Every so often, the sound of what appeared to be a band tuning up threatened to break down even that little of my personal space. I do not need, not REQUIRE an […]
10 Things I Learned From an Afternoon with Everett True

Meeting Everett True was kind of a big deal for me. One of the reasons I paid for a masterclass with him was to get one of my reviews published in a real book. But really it was all about meeting your heroes. This is definitely a song you should hear before you die I […]
The Nightingales – Mind Over Matter (Louder Than War)

“For goodness sake, there’s been a chunk of time”, calls out Nightingales maestro Robert Lloyd seconds into the jittering opener of the same name. But in reality, there really hasn’t been at all. 2012 saw the Midlands troupe document a stream of live greats into Cooking Vinyl released No Love Lost, whilst 2014’s For Fuck’s […]
Song of the day – 605: Gravel Samwidge
I know who this sounds like. You think that bothers me? You crazy, girl. Why would that bother me?
Song of the day – 479: The Wolfhounds
I loved The Wolfhounds: a band the two words ‘awkward pop’ might have been welded together for.
Song of the day – 351: Art Brut (a mini-review)
A sardonic band in the sardonic tradition of Yeah Yeah Noh, I, Ludicrous and the Godfuckingalmighty Nightingales – that folk actually like?! What’s up with that?
Song of the day – 211: Hotpants Romance
It seems almost inconceivable to me that I haven’t drawn your attention to the many-splendoured delights of Hotpants Romance before