Song of the day – 475: Fever Fever
If this band were all male, the music press would be wetting themselves silly over them.
Shonen Knife – Osaka Ramones (Good Charamel)
I just get way more excited by Japanese covers than is really necessary and I’m not sure why.
Plan B Magazine #0
OK. Here’s the first in the series. I’m still trying to figure out the best way of doing this, so apologies if any of this seems clumsy. I’m planning on putting these up twice a week until we’ve got the entire run of Plan B Magazine back up online. Any suggestions on how to streamline […]
Song of the day – 192: Fever Fever
I am a living cliché. I cannot resist music that sounds like this. I do not even attempt to. Grating female vocals. Sound and fury. Never a pause for breath. Always another space to be filled in. Guitars that ricochet back and forth like they understand ‘Teenage Riot’ was when Sonic Youth turned spectacular. Frenzied. […]