In Photos: Shonen Knife @ GoMA, 23.01.2015

Shonen Knife play an ‘Up Late’ show at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane as part of the ‘Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion’ exhibition.
Single Of The Week – Dark Beach – Scream Queen (Dark Beach Records / Unicorn Power Schema)

Bay area surf-trash-garage duo Dark Beach are parts the Mummies, the 5,6,7,8’s, Shonen Knife, and a dash of Blast Off Country Style. Dark Beach have all your B-movie fetishes covered from “Scream Queen,” “UFO,” “Swamp Girl,” and “Shark Attack,” they know their audience well. Melissa Dale on drums and Faith Gardner on guitar and vocals […]
Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Last year was sensational for music. This year was even more sensational.
Song of the day – 497: Shonen Knife
What would Craig Montgomery say?
three videos to start your day with
The “ow-ow” at 0.42 is out of this world.
Shonen Knife – Osaka Ramones (Good Charamel)
I just get way more excited by Japanese covers than is really necessary and I’m not sure why.
Nirvana’s Nevermind, 20 Years Later

Nirvana had a bigger effect on American culture than any rock band since The Beatles. I was there, and anyone who tells you any differently is a goddamned liar.
Bollywood Ear Candy: O, Mama
There’s really nothing hotter and than an Indian man in a long blonde wig. It is not at all ridiculous.
THE US REVIEW Kellies – Las Kellies (Fire)
This reverence towards the irreverent, making idols out of iconoclasts, is profoundly disturbing