 Everett True

Song of the day – 44: The Bell Divers

I have a feeling that everything I know about this band is wrong. They’re from Brisbane. They remind me of my own London sweetheart Mathew Sawyer. I’d say that it’s fair to imagine they’re familiar with the following… Louis Phillippe, Guy Blackman, Momus, whimsical English Sunday afternoon pop, Jens Lekman, the delicious melancholy of solitude […]

 Everett True

One-minute reviews – 9: SA Rawls, Mathew Sawyer, Wet Dog, Karen O And The Kids

I don’t see anyone else stepping up to the plate and taking this challenge. I don’t see any web editors lining up to syndicate this series either. SA Rawls – Never Gonna Touch The Ground Confused, chipper dude wishes he was a) living in the 60s, b) pinch-hitting for Pavement, c) back at school, d) surrounded […]