Added on December 4, 2012
Wallace Wylie
Beck , Dave Eggers , Fifty Shades Of Grey , McDonalds , McSweeney's , Radiohead , Song Reader , Wallace Wylie
Beck selling sheet music is like McDonald’s selling a recipe book. “Hey, we’re not going to sell you the Super-Ultra-Mega Big Mac, but you can buy our recipe book and make your own version.” Those recipes might even look complex on paper, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t consuming garbage.
Added on August 5, 2012
Scott Creney
Brian Eno , McDonalds , Micachu , Micachu and the Shapes , Missy Elliott , My Bloody Valentine , Public Enemy , Scott Creney , Sonic Youth , The Clash , Timbaland , Velvet Underground
This is what it feels like to be alive in 2012 — connected to everything and more isolated than ever.
Added on May 30, 2011
Scott Creney
Andrei Tarkovsky , Atlantic , Ben Gibbard , Can , Codes And Keys review , Death Cab For Cutie , Death Cab For Cutie - Codes And Keys , Death Cab For Cutie review , Harmony Korine , Kitten Spanking , McDonalds , Scott Creney , Teddy Bear Imperialism , William S. Burroughs
Like McDonald’s, Death Cab For Cutie is nothing if not consistent.
Added on February 25, 2011
Wallace Wylie
advertising , alternative , AT&T , Beat Generation , Bill Hicks , corporate , counter-culture , indie , iron and wine , Lady Gaga , McDonalds , Pitchfork , Ryan Adams , selling-out , The Clash , The Decemberists , The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart , The Shins , Tommy Hilfiger , Vampire Weekend
First off, we need to define alternative culture. Is it something that provides values for those who identify with it, or is it just mainstream culture decked out in thrift store apparel?
Added on November 29, 2010
Everett True
awards ceremonies , Collapse Board , Hello , McDonalds , Richard Kingsmill , Triple J
To keep in line with other awards voting panels, judges will of course be voting for their sixth favourite record of 2010. Or perhaps 2009.