Added on August 22, 2013
Everett True
Bleeding Knees Club , Everett True , Gold Coast , KMB003 , Queensland , Song of the day , the Ramones test

Do Bleeding Knees Club pass the Ramones test? YES THEY BLEEDING DO!
Added on July 5, 2013
Bek Moore
Bek Moore , Brisbane , Chardon’s Corner Hotel , DIY , Lost In The Void , Mustang Bar , Queensland , Rock n Roll BBQ

I love playing music, I love seeing live bands. But when I hear that I paid to get into a show somewhere and bought beer and the band was paid nothing as they did not cover all the extraneous costs – well to be frank, it gives me the shits!
Added on August 29, 2011
2011 , analysis , BIGSOUND , BIGSOUND Live , Brisbane , In Numbers , Justin Edwards , music industry conference , Q Music , Queensland , showcases , statistics
Will BIGSOUND grow to become the Australian SxSW?
Added on July 7, 2011
Everett True
All Times Through Paradise , Brisbane , Chris Bailey , Ed Kuepper , Everett True , Plan B Magazine , punk rock , Queensland , The Saints
Growing up in a big city, you’re tied to a scene. In the backwoods, you tend to be much more experimental.
Added on February 21, 2011
Everett True
Andrew McMillen , Brisbane , Faster Louder , Mess And Noise , NME , online , Q , QLD , Queensland , Shan Welham , Sophie Benjamin , Sound Alliance , street press
If folk like Sophie really are seeing Faster Louder as a career path, a stepping stone to the next stage, my only question would be: a stepping stone to what? To fucking what?