 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 11.08.11 – 17.08.11

I don’t think anyone needs to worry about musicians losing their voices any time soon.

 Everett True

some fallout from the Faster Louder article

If folk like Sophie really are seeing Faster Louder as a career path, a stepping stone to the next stage, my only question would be: a stepping stone to what? To fucking what?

 Everett True

Top 10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 2010

Australia. You worry me sometimes.

 Everett True

quite a revealing blog entry about editorial policy at Q and NME

One of my regular correspondents on Twitter recently published this blog entry. I thought I’d reproduce it here, because I find it to be quite revealing: partway explanatory of what goes on behind the scenes at the mainstream rock press.