THE NICE REVIEW An Horse – Walls (Mom + Pop/Shock)
If you’re young, bright-faced, hormonal, passionate, unsure, you’ll probably love An Horse.
15 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 13.05.11 – 21.05.11
Let’s get leotarded, shall we?
REVIEWED IN CONTEXT: An Horse – Walls (Mom + Pop/Shock)
The purpose of an album review is not really just to add to the folder of promo clips for bands (contrary to the belief and earnest hope of many a publicist)
REVIEWED IN WORDS: An Horse – Walls (Mom + Pop/Shock)
The album treats its instruments like an embarrassing family member; if they HAVE to be around can we at least make sure they don’t do anything to upset anyone.
REVIEWED IN PICTURES: An Horse – Walls (Mom + Pop/Shock)
by Everett True