 Lee Adcock

Bouquet – In A Dream EP (Ulrike / Folktale)

Bouquet – In A Dream EP (Ulrike / Folktale)

I’ve been bitter lately. It comes and goes, like the ghost limp that jumps between legs. There is this weight in the air, a nagging fear that’s set in with the humid breath left by the rains. In two months, I may not be here. I may be. But if I go, I’ll leave the […]

 Everett True

Everett True’s Favourite Bands (and Venues) of 1980

Everett True’s Favourite Bands (and Venues) of 1980

I started, so I may as well see this mini-series through to its conclusion. This is probably the most dubious ‘top’ chart of all from my teenage self in 1980. It’s not based on ‘likes’ or ‘ratings’ (as you might have expected), but on simple numbers, calculated via a point system – two for a […]

 Everett True

Everett True’s Favourite Gigs of 1980

Everett True’s Favourite Gigs of 1980

And so… to the third part of the series. (You can find part one here, and part two here.) Once again, taken from my diary of the time with all the star ratings attached. The first for how ‘good’ the band was; the second for my enjoyment of them. Pluses and minuses are related to […]

 Scott Creney

Filthy Huns – Filthy Huns (Not Not Fun)

Everyone’s dying, some of us less slowly than others. As for me I’m dying for this record. In my current state I could listen to it over and over for at least an entire day. It’s all I need. It speaks to the broken unsatisfied mind-imploding parts of me.


Live Review | All Tomorrow Parties curated by Jeff Mangum, Butlins, Minehead, UK, 09-11.03.12

Sometimes it’s just fine to have good old-fashioned fun at the seaside.


Live review of Young Marble Giants at Jeff Mangum-curated ATP, Minehead Butlins, March 2012 … in haiku format



Young Marble Giants – Colossal Youth (Domino reissue)

By Neil Kulkarni

 Scott Creney

Oh-Ok – The Complete Reissue (HHBTM)

In 1981, Oh-OK were already creating songs of child-like wonder laced with a hint of darkness.

 Everett True

Everett True’s 10 favourite albums of all time* … and one that changed his life

Everett True’s 10 favourite albums of all time* … and one that changed his life

Who couldn’t relate to a stiff upper lyric like that?

 Everett True

Nirvana’s Nevermind, 20 Years Ago

It’s taken me nearly two decades to admit to liking Nevermind in public again. In celebration, I’ve decided to reprint my original review.