Song of the Day #763: Lee Ranaldo

At the very start, working from home seemed like it was going to be the dream. The Dream. Commuting time saved and converted into something more meaningful. The low productivity experiences of open plan office working changing to working set hours and finishing on time every day. Time to redesign this site, do more writing, get my own site up-to-date and refreshed, and a bunch of other photo projects that have been on the back-burner forever.
Instead it was a first six months of making myself as busy as possible to keep my job, followed by 6 months of working ridiculous hours doing all the work that had been delayed and deferred when COVID-19 first turned up and then came back in one hit. The New Normal then just became working longer hours all the time. Whoever got the time I thought I was going to get, I hope you did good things with it.
And the music? I just didn’t have the energy. It was far easier to dwell in nostalgia and listen to all my old favourites day-after-day, week-after-week. If you could only see my Spotify wrap-ups for the last couple of years… Well, I would be judged by those listening habits, but I stand by them. I can’t remember who said it or where I read it, but I learnt long ago the absolute truth that the things that made you happy as a fourteen year old are the things that make you happy as an adult.
But also music, and your own connection with it, is about your life. It colours it, shapes it, provides context, helps you make sense of everything. If music has to say something to you about your life, what did I need it to be saying to me during the turmoil of the last (almost) couple of years? I just couldn’t find an answer.
Then I heard this Lee Ranaldo song back in September and thought that maybe this was what I wanted to hear, this was the answer, this encapsulated what I was feeling.