 Everett True

Gender stereotyping begins at home | the worst video of 2015 so far

Gender stereotyping begins at home | the worst video of 2015 so far

I don’t like being in agreement with everyone else, but… wow. Just wow. It’s like the Christian far right in America have finally got the pop icon they so richly deserve, and we’re all travelling back to the 1950s on a shiny new time machine back to the age of the nuclear family where men […]

 Everett True

Conversations about music criticism | Does Collapse Board help propagate stereotypes of women in music?

Conversations about music criticism | Does Collapse Board help propagate stereotypes of women in music?

Earlier today, Lee posted an interesting review of the Klara Lewis EP in which she posited (among several other points) that Collapse Board helps propagate the stereotype of women needing men to write and produce their stuff. (If you haven’t read the review yet, I recommend you do. Otherwise a fair amount of this will be […]

 Everett True

A response to ‘For Whatever Reason’ | A photograph of Plan B and Careless Talk Costs Lives magazines from 2001-2009

A response to ‘For Whatever Reason’  | A photograph of Plan B and Careless Talk Costs Lives magazines from 2001-2009

My Facebook feed has been full of commentary following my repost of Annie Gardiner’s excellent ‘For Whatever Reason…’ (Access) (an installation of copies of NME magazine from 1989-2008). My response is above (the piles lying: male-female-both). This, I feel is WAY more representative of music being made during the 2000s than that piles of NMEs. But who […]

 Everett True

The original transcript of The Guardian Kathleen Hanna interview

The original transcript of The Guardian Kathleen Hanna interview

Running meant we thought we were worth saving. That’s why the record is called Run Fast.

 Everett True

TGA magazine, the UK’s only print publication dedicated to women in music, launches its first issue

TGA magazine, the UK’s only print publication dedicated to women in music, launches its first issue

Historically, music magazines have been skewed from and for a male perspective. But that’s not reflective of their potential audience.

 Everett True

Some conversations held in public around the new Lily Allen video

Some conversations held in public around the new Lily Allen video

Like, is there really no other way of challenging sexism and racism in music videos accept by doing the EXACT SAME THING but with a knowing wink? Really?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 648: Hand Job Academy

Song of the day – 648: Hand Job Academy

It’s not just about periods. It’s about owning your period.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 622: Chastity Belt

Song of the day – 622: Chastity Belt

Perhaps the editors at BuzzFeed really do believe that Chastity Belt thought their photograph was in some way alluring, you know… sexy?

 Everett True

Plan B Magazine #19 editorial

Plan B Magazine #19 editorial

Plan B has always looked to the future, and we see a future where men are making music on equal terms with their female counterparts.


“Cute for a while… but then it gets boring”

“Cute for a while… but then it gets boring”

In summation, he mused, I was comparable to the vacant, mannequin-esque women in Robert Palmer’s video for ‘Addicted To Love’.

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