Added on December 23, 2013
best of 2013 , Bottomless Pit , Conan Neutron , Federation X , Future Of The Left , Marnie Stern , Nonagon , Obits , Queens Of The Stone Age , Roomrunner , SEMINARS , The Night Marchers , The Rutabega , The Thermals , Thoughts Detecting Machines

It’s just damn good rock’n’roll. Is that the kind of thing you are into? Well, are you?
Added on January 25, 2013
Babyland , Conan Neutron , Fugazi , punk rock
And the call? It’s OK to be you. The freaks, the nerds, the outcasts. The last ones picked, the ones never picked. Fuck! There’s power in that.
Added on December 15, 2012
best of 2012 , Conan Neutron , Continues , Future Of The Left , Minutes , Moon Eater , Nervous Curtains. Melvins , Nonagon , Police Teeth , The Karl Hendricks Trio , Thoughts Detecting Machines , Tilts , Torche
Another year passes by! Another year filled with wonderful life affirming music, and yet another year with tepid uninspired lists filled with background music and exercises in mediocrity.
Added on July 28, 2012
Conan Neutron , Riddle Of Steel , Them Crooked Vultures , Tilts , Torch
Tilts make the kind of music that you simply must turn up. It’s the law.
Added on December 17, 2011
best of 2011 , Conan Neutron , Helms Alee , Hurry Up Shotgun , Lou Reed , Marnie Stern , Metallica , Obits , Poison Control Center , Police Teeth , The Blind Shake , The Mountain Goats , Tom Waits , Virgin Islands , Wild Flag
Music is far too important to be relegated to the background.
Added on November 17, 2011
Conan Neutron , Guided By Voices , Iowa , Jimi Hendrix , Nirvana , Pavement , Sad Sour Future , Stranger Ballet , The Poison Control Center , The Who
How come nobody told me about them before? What the hell?!?! WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE?!?!?
Added on October 23, 2011
album review , Conan Neutron , Lou Reed , Lulu , Metallica , Son Of Kurtz
Shorthand review: This is the indulgent sound of the angst of millionaires.