Added on November 17, 2015
Alice Rezende , Built To Spill , Cass McCombs , Center Negative , Florist , Girlpool , Helvetia , Jouk Mistrow , Knife Pleats , Lispector , Morning TV , Rose Melberg , Salad Boys , Team Ugly , Telekinesis! , Thrill Collins , Tiger Trap
By Alice Rezende So much good music, so little time! While my mates have been allegedly busy catching up with their favourite podcasts on their commutes to work, I’ve been busy (“busy”) at home vacuuming, upgrading my laptop, feeding cats, and listening to crazy great tracks that have come out over the last couple of […]
Added on May 28, 2015
Lee Adcock
2015 , album review , Girlpool , Lee Adcock
How is a girl supposed to “mature”, anyway? Or, for that matter, how does a band “mature” after rocketing to fame with a tape about sex and female desire? Girlpool did that rare thing that not all bands do (*coughJoannaGruesomecough*) – they figured out what the press wanted them to be, and thus became something […]
Added on December 20, 2014
Everett True
7evenThirty , Alice Boman , Alvvays , Arponera , Arre! Arre! , BABAGANOUJ , BABYMETAL , Beyonce , Bloods , Crayola Lectern , DVA , Eight Rounds Rapid , Ela Stiles , Everett True , FKA twigs , Frankie Cosmos , Gifted Gab , Girlpool , Good Throb , Hospitality , Kim Deal , Lady Neptune , Manflu , Miley Cyrus , Neil Young , Perera Elsewhere , Princess Nokia , Rattle , Sleaford Mods , Sleater-Kinney , Song of the day , Stanley Brinks & Freschard , The 16th Century with The Legend! , The Aquadolls , The Lovely Wars , The Phi Mu Washboard Band , The Popguns , The Saints , The See Gulls , the tuts , The UV Race
This year stuttered in bits and firsts. Music is the healer. Here are the songs. The Aquadolls – Wander It’s knowing that passion can be full-tilt and consuming. It’s about Shadow Morton and Ellis Greenwich and 2014. It’s a love for the same love for that a ton of other folk show a love for but […]
Added on August 20, 2014
Everett True
Alice Boman , BABAGANOUJ , BABYMETAL , Bernays Propaganda , Everett True , Gifted Gab , Girlpool , Kim Gordon , Lorde , Manflu , Nirvana , Song of the day , The Aquadolls , the tuts
I like this doing this, occasionally. I do wish Collapse Board had a few more readers so these results weren’t so skewed by friends of the bands, but there again… Here are the 10 most read entries in my return to Song of the Day in 2014 so far, as evidenced by Google Analytics. I’ll […]
Added on June 8, 2014
Everett True
Everett True , Girlpool , Song of the day , Teddy And The Frat Girls , The Cosmopolitans , The Diskettes , The Roches
It’s embarrassing, how little I’m aware of. It’s wonderful, how much great stuff is out there just waiting for that stone to be turned over. The trick? Trust folk, the right folk. Or, as Girlpool sing it, don’t get fucked by a fucked society. Here, go check the source. It’s The Cosmopolitans (a little) crossed with Teddy And […]