My albums. And songs. Of 2016.

I sat in a convivial pub the other night as around me convivial sorts chattered and laughed. I could barely hear a word. Every so often, the sound of what appeared to be a band tuning up threatened to break down even that little of my personal space. I do not need, not REQUIRE an […]
Driven to Tiers: Lee Adcock’s Best-Of-So-Far List for 2016

Above: The righteous and super-smart TEEN. Photo by Hannah Whitaker. I had a very dreary introduction here when I started writing this article. It involved despair about the US, physical and mental fatigue from my job, more despair for the UK, and similar nagging thoughts. I tried to deny the purging effect that music can […]
The Best New Music, 17.02.2016

A new series in which we diligently filter the contents of our inbox to present the best new singles and previews from upcoming albums that we’ve received this week. By next week we hope to have come up with a snappier name. Topping the list this week is rising Brisbane emcee Mallrat and her clip […]