 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 150. The Vanilla Milkshakes

The return of Everett True | 150. The Vanilla Milkshakes

Here’s how it works. Grab my attention, and I’ll listen. Ten seconds, that’s normally all I need. How to grab my attention? I couldn’t say, and even if I could say I wouldn’t say cos that’d just be dumb and then there would just be some other whole new way of grabbing my attention in […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 431: Teeth (Rock Vs Cancer. Rock Wins.)

Bangs damn it, we would’a KILLED for music this focused, tightly coiled, back in 1990


Reviewing the reviewers: “It’s September 2011 and Seattle sounds like…”

Grunge is dead… but everything else sounds like it’s on life support.

 Princess Stomper

Producers that make (or break) the band

Band-members are like the ingredients of a cake: get it wrong, and the result is bland or sickly.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 311: Tad

My main man. Tad Doyle.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 310: Idiot Culture

This is so molten and heavy, and full-on fucking ROCK, it makes the term ‘grunge’ seem patsy-waist in comparison.