
In Photos: Sonic Masala Festival @ Greenslopes Bowls Club, 21.06.2014

In Photos: Sonic Masala Festival @ Greenslopes Bowls Club, 21.06.2014

Sonic Masala Festival featured 22 bands at the Greenslopes Bowls Club, with Scul Hazzards making a long overdue return to Brisbane as the final act of the night.


The Friday Afternoon Playlist, 14.03.2014

The Friday Afternoon Playlist, 14.03.2014

It’s that time of year again, when all those editors that plaster their magazines and websites with adverts and suspiciously sounding advertorials but who can’t afford to pay their contributors, head off for a nice jolly in Austin, Texas. Either that or they get flown there courtesy of major record labels. Just to be on […]


Go Genre Everything + Scrabbled + Gravel Samwidge + The Legend! + Nana Vigilante + Bent @ Chardons Corner Hotel, Brisbane, 30.11.13

Go Genre Everything + Scrabbled + Gravel Samwidge + The Legend! + Nana Vigilante + Bent @ Chardons Corner Hotel, Brisbane, 30.11.13

Being different isn’t always glamorous and is rarely rewarded with dollars.